Sunday, September 9, 2007

Candidate Forum

56572 has been asked to facilitate an online candidate forum ahead of the Primary Election for ISD548 School Board Tuesday, September 11th. Rather than give each candidate an equal chunk of text - we don't have all their email addresses to invite this - we thought we would let the voters ask the question - click on the "Ask the candidate" link in the right column - and let any candidate who wishes to reply do so by using the comment link below the question. The candidate should identify themself by typing in their name after clicking on the "Other" bullet when prompted under the heading "Choose an identity." Candidates may also use the ask the candidate link as long as their identity is clear to us in their email message. Both questions and replies will be moderated, negative personal anonymous comments having little chance of being published. Comments in favor of a particular candidate - stating reasons why they deserve our vote - will be accepted. Stating one's name would obviously strengthen such an endorsement. If things remain civil and above the belt we would consider re-opening the Candidate Forum before the General Election in November...... that is if anybody asks a question and any candidate cares to respond.

Candidates for the three open seats with four year terms:
Kent Baldry
Dena Johnson
Jon Karger
Lloyd Nelson
Don Perrin
Peter Sasso-Lundin
Steve Strand
(Six of the above will be on the November 6th General Election ballot)

Polls are open Tuesday, September 11th, from 3:00-8:00 p.m. in the PRHS cafeteria.


Anonymous said...

Hi 56572 guy and thanks for hosting this chance for voters to become better informed and candidates an opportunity to state their position. I would like to endorse (and I hope my endorsement doesn't hurt his campaign) Don Perrin. Don has done a great job under very difficult circumstances. He was very open minded throughout the bond issue controversy and was willing to take some personal and professional risk to do the right thing for the dist. With the proper research done, I think building a new building MAY prove to be the best course for the students and taxpayers. but Krause/Anderson is not the one to build it.
thank you
and remember to disagree is healthy, it's what makes the system work . but be nice. it's what makes working in the system healthy .
stuart restad

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all who have decided to run to school board election.

We know there are several people running who are "locals". This is wonderful and truly impressive that people want to give back to their own community. Thank you for caring about your home town.

We'd like to put in a word for "another guy". We believe that the voters of 56572 should give Peter Sasso-Lundin a serious look. He's got experience in education, he's got an uncanny ability to ask questions until he fully understands a situation and he's level headed.

And finally, whether you agree or disagree with us, smart readers of 56572...VOTE ON TUESDAY!!!

Anonymous said...

My question to all the candidates is this: What experiences do you have that make you one of the best qualified candidates for the District 548 school board? (Please answer this questioni in 30 words or less.)

Good for you,, for taking on this important issue!

Anonymous said...

Will the candidates please let us know their perspectives on primary causes and corrections to improve P.R. school district’s open enrollment challenges. It would be wonderful to learn your approach and, based on your experiences with our community and our school district, your proposed solutions with supporting rationale.

Many thanks for your willingness to serve – Kathy Josephson

Anonymous said...

I hate to jump the gun, but aren't the answers to some of these questions in The Press? Or will be in The Press in future issues? (hopefully) I see a dirty blog on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see the date/time/location in the blog. I would have expected this week's Press to have something on the front page that would give us this information. I referred to the legal notice from last week's Press for this information, but how many people even look at the legals. I assume it wasn't in the Press on purpose just so there would be a low turnout. I hope I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Why would a low turnout EVER be a good thing? I think you are VERY wrong. Let's not be paranoid :)

Anonymous said...

With respect to the experiences in 30 words or less:

Extensive financial, budgeting, and strategic planning experience as well as contract negotation experience. Have served our local community form more than a decade and am passionate about education.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,

Think that there are multiple reasons why students choose to attend Pelican or other schools. Availability of extracurricular opportunities - know of students who now attend Pelican who previously attended another school because of our music programs; have also heard of students leaving the district to participate in sports that we don't offer.

There are also always those families who choose to home school related to religious principles, issues with administration, or other and other families who like instruction from private schools for the focus on various educational values.

What the Pelican district needs to do is make sure that we offer a strong and challenging curriculum in a safe environment that can meet the needs of as many students as possible.

We'll never be all things to all people, nor with our budget restrictions should we try to be, but we should make sure to offer programs to make our students as well rounded as possible.