Drinking beer is uncool, in Germany of all places. Come to think of it, I'll have an alcopop.
Up North Distributing of 56572 is now carrying Bell's beers from Kalamazoo Brewing
Political math explains President's Fargo stop today
Two numbers help explain why President Bush is traveling to Fargo today to open his campaign to reshape Social Security. Start with 63 percent -- the size of his majority in carrying North Dakota in last year's presidential race. The president has a huge amount of support here," Don Larson, a spokesman for Gov. John Hoeven, said Wednesday. "It's a mostly conservative state." Now add two: North Dakota's two Democratic U.S. senators, Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan. So far, Democrats stand strongly opposed to plans to "privatize" Social Security by diverting any funds to personal investment accounts.
Fargo City Commissioner Linda Coates is among more than 40 area residents included on a list of people barred from attending President Bush's speech today in Fargo. Among the 42 area people on the do-not-admit list: two high school students, a librarian, a Democratic campaign manager and several university professors. White House spokesman Jim Morrell and Don Larson, a spokesman for the North Dakota governor's office, say they don't know anything about such a list.
from The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead
Why You Shouldn’t ‘Fix’ Your Older Chromecast With a Factory Reset,
According to Google
A bug has hit a significant number of users.
40 minutes ago
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