Sunday, February 26, 2006

H5N1 in 56572

This past week H5N1 was confirmed in a flock of French turkeys. Knowing that I will be labeled as a fear monger, an alarmist and who knows what else in addition to the labels I already wear.....still I am curious about what will happen to 56572 when H5N1 arrives here. Note that I said will, not would. The local economy is dependent on turkeys and tourists. Flocks of turkeys culled, the poultry market collapses, the local processing plant closes, seven hundred people out of work...temporarily? Will workers stay or head south to find other work? Will we vaccinate our birds? We will watch what happens in Europe with great interest. Bird flu seems like it will hit 56572 harder than other communities who don't have all their eggs in one basket. Can the experts shed any light on this? Am I out to lunch, as usual?

Germany in the age of bird flu

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