Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dutch imam (sorry, a Muslim teacher) now in hiding too

from the Dutch blog Zachte Ei

November 23 2004

Dutch imam wants MP Geert Wilders to die within two years

But he does hope it isn't a Muslim who kills Mr. Wilders. I'm not sure whether to laugh or to cry. The imam in question is not an immigrant. His full name is Abdul-Jabbar van de Ven. Yes, that's a Dutch surname there. Van de Ven converted to Islam twelve years ago. Since he's apparently only 25, that means he converted at the age of 13. Other sources say he converted at the age of 14. Dutch PBS initially announced he was an imam, now his status seems to have changed to 'Muslim teacher'. However, a simple Google search
Van de Ven was a guest in the interview show Het Elfde Uur (The Eleventh Hour), which is produced by a conservative Christian part of PBS (Dutch PBS consists of a variety of different organizations representing various groups in our society). Host Andries Knevel asked Van de Ven whether or not he wanted Mr. Wilders to die within two years, to which Van de Ven responded affirmingly.
Well, previous statements of Van de Ven included such pearls as 'The Netherlands are a cancer'. He also referred to Osama bin Laden as 'brother'. The full article from broadsheet Trouw in which he said the latter two things is not legally available online for free, however, this website ripped it.
(I explicitly want to make clear I do not endorse that website. It is the online forum of a rather extreme right wing party. However, it's the only site I could find the article at.)
Van de Ven also said in local newspaper Rotterdams Dagblad that he had met terrorist suspect Jason W., who was arrested in the raid in The Hague 13 days ago, a few times. However, he felt there was nothing 'extreme or dangerous' about him. Sigh.

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