Saturday, November 20, 2004

"We have some planes."

9/11 Commission Full Report


  • U.S. leaders did not understand the "gravity of the threat."
  • The United States wasn't prepared to meet al Qaeda's challenges.
  • Terrorism wasn't the chief security concern of the Bush or Clinton administrations.
  • Failures to thwart 9/11 highlight agencies' inability to adapt to new problems.
  • CIA effectiveness was limited by use of intermediaries to pursue Osama bin Laden.
  • Information and analysis wasn't shared across agencies.

  • Establish a Cabinet-level intelligence director
  • Establish a single counterterrorism center
  • Create a single, joint congressional committee to oversee homeland security

  • GOP sides with Pentagon, blocks 9/11 panel proposals

    Philip Shenon and Carl Hulse,
    New York Times, November 21, 2004

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Republican leaders blocked and appeared to kill a bill Saturday that would have enacted the major recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, refusing to allow a vote on the legislation despite last-minute pleas from President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to Republican lawmakers for a compromise before Congress adjourned for the year.

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