Sunday, August 21, 2005

a life lost in the weeds of Ohman Bay

Otter Tail County authorities were searching for a man who apparently drowned Saturday on Lake Lida. A water rescue team was unable to locate the victim as of Saturday night, Otter Tail dispatch said. The victim’s name is not yet known. Authorities were unable to comment Saturday night but should have more information today, dispatch said.

3:00 p.m. update
Divers have been in the weedy water since 8:00 a.m. and are still searching. They are diving in Ohman Bay (oddly enough named for Shorty Ohman who drowned in South Lida forty-five years ago) at the top right of the satellite photo to the left. The divers are focused on an area at the northwest corner of Ohman Bay. The white horizontal line in the middle of the photo is Stony Bar. North is at the top of the photo.

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