Wednesday, October 12, 2005

For sale: a Downtown

In bygone days if your 56572 business wasn't located "between the lights" you were nobody, nowhere. These days if the between the lights building isn't for sale, it might already belong to a realtor.There are some fine older buildings available between the lights now. Cooper can't buy them all for restoration. Or can you Coop?

On November 19th, Lodin's Ben Franklin - OK kids Pelican Variety - will be sold at auction. Building and fixtures, $70k would buy the building (upstairs apartment). The City owns the buildings on both sides, Bob could use a bit more room, so could Jane. Sounds like a good idea to me. How about it Ben and Dave (not interested)? Where do you stand Mayor Wayne? (relocate Bob?)

What's that you say? Target with a Starbuck drive thru?

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