People who know me well know that I have soft spots in my heart for certain people and places. The Peruvians and their country is one such place. Over the past twenty years I have visited twelve times, almost enough times to qualify for the endearing title of Cholo.
I was at two dinner parties this weekend. Both times people spoke about television and how much they watched it. I mentioned I hardly watched at all and that we had a twenty-five year old thirteen inch set at home in case of emergency. I was not taken seriously. So, besides maintaining 56572, how do I fill my hours? I look for things to read. When something catches my attention, I give it my attention for as long as that attention is deserved.
I was so pleased to see another piece of fiction by the Peruvian-American writer Daniel Alarcón in the Halloween issue of The New Yorker magazine. Once again he has grabbed and held my attention writing this week about the business of begging on the streets of Lima.
Here is the story. Read it tonight during the Vikings game. Let me know what was better, the game or the story. Pretend you are blind.
I checked out Daniel's latest book of stories War by Candlelight from the PRPL this morning. Thank you PW for having the vision to have it on our shelves.
The Long Shadow of the Kennedys
The latest release of J.F.K. assassination files so far doesn’t show
much—except for the Kennedy name’s continued hold on the country.
5 hours ago
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