Patty was in town today. Talking to her manager Jill. Trying to regroup. There is a new sign in the door. I'll tell you tomorrow what it says. I was surprised by the negative, what I would term almost destructive comments on 56572 today. That there were so many of you wanting to voice your opinion was positive.
Let's take this idea of online community one step further. Using the Golden Rule as our yardstick, if you care, like I do, if the Muddy Moose reopens, pretend for a minute you are Patty. Let's give Patty constructive comment about what we do and do not miss about The Muddy Moose. Let's try to come up with ways she can increase business. Remember, that although your comments can remain anonymous, there is no guarantee that they will make it to the comments posted below. This is not a whipping post. Please include the approximate number of times you visited the Moose. I'll kickoff.
Dear Patty, the single best thing about your Muddy Moose is you and your staff. Energetic, eager to learn, hard working, sociable people. Not all of you are household names in 56572, Makes no difference. You guys make it a fun place to be. Your drinks are good. From the Chivas to the Mondavi to the Alakef Coffee. Your appetizers are good. Your soups are good. Your best ever burgers are better than Billy's. Your prices are right. To sit in front of a window on Main Street 56572 with my beverage of choice, look out those huge windows across to Historic City Hall and watch the people walk by. This has not alway been possible in 56572, without your clothes stinking when you got home. The one plate salad bar was not something I was used to, nor was the choice of so many exotic salad dressings. A $6.95 glass of wine (in 56572) may be sipped only on special occasions. I know you need my business now the tourists have left. I was giving it to you. Don't stop now. Your star is rising, not falling. (15-20 time customer)
Your turn.......Patty is a 5672 reader.
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First I have been in the MM 20 to 30 times so there are many things I enjoyed - Free refills was one, a small but important thing. But, the fact that I was there for breakfast, lunch, supper and late evening drinks and at each one of these time I was told the item I wanted to order was not available was very discouraging. Also, while summer tourist may be willing to pay $6.95 for a glass of wine, home town regulars cannot.
Maybe it is time to add an activity? I remember visiting Billy's Cornerbar once. They played bingo. The place was full and the town was empty.
Would some organizations be willing to hold their meetings there? i.e. community service meetings, school fund raising meetings, church group fun nites, book clubs etc. This would give the "Moose" exposure and business and give people a nice place to conduct their gatherings, with a menu to choose from.
Simply making the Moose a place to "hang out," especially for students or workers looking for a place to study or a little down time. Perhaps a cozy corner with more inviting furniture? Or small, inexpensive events - ask the PRHS music department if any students would be interested in playing guitar in the corner. Advertised a bit, that would easily draw a crowd.
sell!get out while you can!people in Pelican don't like to eat out.Maybe it has something to do with the lovely odor that permeates and persists throughout the town. What Pelican could use is another real estate company or an insurance agency' say...maybe theres an idea for Patti,sell food,liquor,land and insurance all under one roof. I don't think you should be so hard on people that are upset by such an abrupt closing ,they probably were in shock thinking of the alternative eating spots they now had to choose from.Rumor has it that now another restaurant that was going to die a graceful death is threatening to stay open...Please come back muddy moose... X-mas lights will look so nice. the person that says Pelican is dying should just get the heck out if they can't tell the difference between the smell of the decay of death and the smell of s--t!!!While we are on that subject, on the comment about the best ever burgers ?? being better than Billys its a big so what !!! only a true Hardees lover could enjoy either one of those burger experiences,that is if there is enough beer to wash them down! Why do people that have no experience in the restaurant business always think it would be so much fun to open up an eating establishment, its because they have no experience in the restaurant business! maybe its time to have another cup of caffienated coffee stand up and say "I'VE GOT TO SAVE THE MOOSE !!!"
I am not a resident of Pelican Rapids any longer, but visit as much as I can. I have been in the new and improved Muddy Moose and was quite impressed. Maybe that is because I live in a city of 4,000,000+ in population or maybe it's because it's because I wouldn't think of criticizing something that obviously makes the town a little more quaint, and gives people another reason to come into town. I mean come on peole..... you don't have that many choices, why be so short sighted! I actually moved becasue I couldn't be suffocated by 56572. As a succesful business owner I can understand any frustration Patti may had to make her close her doors. I actually wanted to open a business in Pelican Rapids years ago and then I came to my senses, I wouldn't have made it because you the people wouldn't have let me. Sometimes it looks as if failure is something the majority is more comfortable, more to talk about! Heven for bit people be happy for someone who is successul! YOU CAN NOT BE EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE! Take a look at yourself... are you everything to everyone? Isn't Patti allowed to create a business plan that would normally work in any other town or situation, but Pelican just dosen't get it. Can't you just be satisfied with the fact that someone wanted to try to make your town better. Pelican Rapids needs people like Patti, who would actually take a risk. I don't hear of any of the people complaining trying to make the town a better place. If you don't like it, open your own restaurant. People don't understnad what it takes to run a successful business all along trying to make EVRYONE HAPPY! It's just not realistic. Maybe Patti couldn't pay the bills because people feel the urge to sit in her establishment for hours sucking up all the "free refils" or sharing an entree. Again be realistic and stop being so cheap! Wouldn't you all be sad if one day all the businesses had to close their doors and your town became nothing? Where is your pride? This is just a snippet of what has gone on in PR for the past 10 years. Actually now that I think about it, it would just give everyone the opportunity to say "I TOLD YOU SO!" SO SO SAD!
I have to agree with the last post. What is here in PR to attract the younger generation? It's too bad that the negativity is so intimidating-almost bullish from so few vocal people. That attitude is like cancer, and it only tries to rub off on the younger generation. If you don't like it, do something about instead of complaining.
I honestly think that the majority of people who call PR their home are positive people. Now, if we could only get them to take center stage and turn this prevailing attitude around.
How much does a glass of wine cost? I'm totally confused with what everyone is complaining about w/the prices. Travel 30 miles in any direction to a town larger then our beloved PR and you'll see that those prices are right in line. Patty...why don’t you post the cost of your liquor license and let folks see what expensive is.
I’ll take every opportunity to patronize your business every chance when I'm in town. Not only are you running a great restaurant, but you're also putting a nice 'face' on the city of Pelican Rapids. Do we really want the ‘smoky’ VFW or the “…(looking for a word here)” Dairy Queen to be the brochure of the city? Last I check tourism was a big profit center for 56572.
For those that can afford a nice glass of wine in the classiest establishment between the city limits, it’s your duty to put down the can beer and patronize the MM. Don’t let the town (and all of the business) die just to have something to talk about at TownMart in the mornings… If we loose all of the entrepreneurs, it makes other towns stronger and PR that much weaker. What do you think that will do to the real estate market for those who live in the city limits.
I agree that you'll pay approx $6.95 for a glass of wine at many establishments in the area and, when I am on vacation I'll pay that too. But that's part of my vacation budget. And that's the point, most locals can't afford to eat out on a regular basis and increase the bill by $6.95 per glass. You can't support something you can't afford.
Oh for crying out loud, people!!! If you can't afford a glass of 6.95 wine, then don't drink it. Have a glass of pop or tea or something else and quit whining!!! Are you so afraid of something different that you have to criticize it? Then again, that is how you spell Pelican Rapids: c-r-i-t-i-c-a-l.
If you were to drive to Fergus or Fargo for a meal, how much would gas cost? More than a glass of wine I bet. More importantly, if your tourists upon whose money you depend drive to Fergus or Fargo for a meal, how much does their leaving cost the town of PR? Dang near immeasurable I think, and not in a good way.
I'm one of the ones who no longer live in PR but get home for a visit a few times a year. I am sad that I haven't had the opportunity to try the MM yet. If you're open the next time I'm there, Patty, I won't buy a glass of 6.95 wine either. I'll buy a bottle.
I still cannot believe that the Moose is closed.Isn't the rule of thumb in business to expect to lose money the first year, break even the 2nd 'and maybe show a profit the third? You should try a limited menu,scale back the beverage offerings and open the doors. You can't pay for a liquor license without being open.
Will you people just get off this 6.95 glass of wine kick you are on!so what? You morons don't deserve a nicely appointed classy restaurant to dine in.
When Bridges up and closed with no notice just a big who cares nobody was critical then,nobody was sad to see it go,nobody complained about their prices. So all this hubbub should be encouraging to Patti as she can plainly see that she is missed.
Who is advertising Becky's Deli in these comments ?Larry Stotsbary is that you???
How come nobody is mad at the burger nazi? I think they should be!!!
It is Phil Stotesbery that owns Larrys..( whos the moron?)
And NO I am not him, I am a patron of the deli and thought I would say some nice things about them.. I guess that being positive is BAD thing???
One has to assume that the 'burger nazi' is Phil at Maple Beach... the reason people aren't mad at him is because he is located at a resort in a resort area... I really do not think his closing in the winter is anything like the MM ordeal..
Oh, and I agree... why are we discussing the price of a glass of wine? Just don't drink it.. :)
I don't think I'll give Patty my business if and when she returns.. and I imagine there are other people out there that feel the same way..." Rock on Riverside Coffee!"
I think everyone neds to look beyond any one business that has closed. Many other businesses are struggling in our community. We need to look at the much broader picture of why.
First support from the community. When things have reached the point they have in our community it's hard to say what the fix is but businesses need to support each other. This means buying from them whenever possible. Not just some but everyone. The city goverment needs to do its utmost to use local business for all its needs and projects. Isn't there auto repair shops in town to service the city vechiles, are there not contractors to build our buildings and repairs locally? How about the school system, are they buying everything they can locally? In a discussion with the former superiendent one time it was painfully obvious that he had no intention of trying to support the local businesses. How about our major employers Lake Region Electric and West Central, how much do they do locally to support our local businesses? How about the local banks and nursing homes? With them having corporate offices elsewhere much of what they do comes from out of town. What kind of example is being set for the rest of the community?
Talk about no uproar over things how about BTD pulling its plant out of Pelican Rapids because it says most of what the plant produced was being shipped close to another plant BTD owns? How about the loss of those jobs locally. One of the things we so badly need is local jobs that pay good wages to keep people in town. When people work in town they generally do a lot of shopping in the town they work. Why, convienance, can go at lunch time or right after work etc.. How about the EDC and the rest of the developement groups, why haven't they been able to create jobs in our town? Is a need for a change of leadership needed? Are they looking for to big a fish to land rather than smaller ones? What ever happened to the people who made money in our community in the past where are they now? You look at other communities and you see them donating and starting new businesses and helping to create new and different jobs. Why does that seem to be missing here? We have so many great things about our community, the blend of farming and tourism, beautiful landscape and all the area lakes. We have some great talent of every type around us in this community. How can it be all pulled together? Pelican should be one of the most prosperous communities in the area and should be, how can it be made to happen? I have heard blame this group or blame that group or its the cities fault, or its the Chambers fault. Enough with trying to find someone to blame its not any one particuliar problem its a combination of things that without people willing to big into the problem, take risk and speak thier minds will never be resolved or get any better. We need people to work on the county, state and even federal level's to get grants, low interst loans and help in getting new businesses to our community.
As for Patty, starting a new venture is very stressful, I think taking some time to examine the options is a good thing. It may have been better to do them while remaining open at least on some level, but none of us except Patty know exactly what she was facing. I say kudo's to anyone that ventures a new business anywhere! As someone else suggested in one of the post's here, everyone should desire every new venture success. Each successful business will bring more businesses. Hopefully you find a way to open and become profitable. Resturants are perhaps one of the hardest new bsuinesses to start in any community. Perhaps changing menus in the off season or adding some other side business that may add to the resturant business. It is only those that have tried a business venture and no matter if it failed or succedded that can truly appreciate the stress and risks involved. But Pelican Rapids needs you and thousands more people willing to take that gamble and pray for the rewards of success.
Just MHO and two cents worth. I'm done now. But come on everyone lets roll up our sleeves and damm it once and for all turn Pelican Rapids around and make it the place to go to, not the place to leave from!
I am a HS student and a group of friends and I met at the Moose weekly before school. When it closed down, we were very disappointed because there is no other place in town open before school that is suitable for kids to get a good breakfast. Their warm atmosphere and good breakfast and coffee made it very appealing to us. My friends and I hope she opens back up this spring. I think the Muddy Moose is a wonderful asset to Pelican Rapids!
I worked at the Muddy Moose from it's beginning to it's recent hiatus...
Patty Dahl is one of the most honorable, decent, and hard working people I have ever worked with. She isn't just a nice person...she's a GOOD person. And I mean good in the way that few people can claim. She has a solid core...and an unwavering spirit of heart.
I enjoyed going to work at the Muddy Moose...and, for the first time, started to feel like Pelican Rapids was a place that I'd like to call home. I'm not so sure now.
I've had to go to Fergus Falls for work now...and Pelican Rapids has become a place that I have to pass through to get there.
It saddens me that things didn't go better for the Muddy Moose's maiden voyage through town.
I hope that Patty gets the doors back open soon. Although I may not be with her, I certainly look forward to stopping in for a holiday mocha. Maybe then...maybe then, I can start to think of this town as a place to live.
I have to agree with the person who said PR's problems are many things combined. However, this person also said that you need to speak your minds for change to happen. NOBODY in PR will speak their minds about "touchy" subjects for fear of being isolated. Walking into a public place and everyone pointing and talking.And PR is bad Enough at that anyway!!! So many people in PR are about THEIR and YOUR "status" in the community. If you do not meet their standards they do not want anything to do with you. There are so many "fake" people in PR.
Another touchy subject is all of the immigrants. If you are not careful they will run you over with their cars.And for some reason most of them drive nicer cars than the natives. And that is not the only issue surrounding them. Not saying that all immigrants are bad. In some cases i just think them being thrown into your community was not handeled properly. In other cases i dont think they really care we are the suckers who gave them free housing ,free food, free,free,free. ( And i could be all wrong but they are very rude and disrespectful to other people and other peoples property)
Another thing - Drive around your town people!! not only does it smell bad it looks bad!!Why would anyone want to move to PR.
I also think that this person that was hired to "beautify" PR has really not come through for you.The only thing I have noticed is pelicans and chairs outside on main.
There are many other taboo subjects that people are afraid to talk about. But these are all downfalls to your community! If you do not talk about them nothing will ever get done!!! So let it all out people so you can make your community what it use to be!! A great place to live, work, raise a family and maybe open up a store on main.
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