Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ice Houses

I'm still undecided if it's more fantastic to watch Lake Lida freeze or watch her shed the crust five months from now. I guess it depends on how windy it is in April. With temperatures in the high 40's lately Mother Nature is making amends for October. Before global warrming we Minnesotans used to believe there would be hell to pay for weather this nice. Lida is trying to freeze over for the second time this morning. Looking at the forecast for 55F/12.7C for Thanksgiving it could take three, maybe even four tries.

Next to Lula Brown and Mary Carol Peterson, Charles Beck is one of Otter Tail County's most beloved landscape artists. His latest work is hanging at the Rourke Art Museum in Moorhead until March 25th. The show opens today with a gallery talk at 2:00 p.m.

Twin Cities media tells us the number of deer hunters was down and that is not necessarily a good thing. 56572 wonders what results the fish house counters will bring us. The houses are rarely this colorful. Icelandic ice houses Mr. B?

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