"I wanted to get the word out that I will be teaching some free Yoga classes at the library. I will be teaching three morning classes and two evening classes Mondays November 13, 20, and 27 at 8 am in the large meeting room; and Tuesday evenings November 14 and 21 at 8pm also in the large meeting room. Feel free to email me with any questions, comments or concerns. Classes will be about 60 minutes. I encourage everyone to come. Come and sit in the back and see if it is something you want to do. Even if you just want to come and relax for an hour. I am looking forward to the classes. As I mentioned before, they are free. I will ask for some input after the classes as to better times and what people look for in a class."
The Purple Cat
Two Young Pianists Test Their Limits
Yunchan Lim tackles Bach’s Goldberg Variations, and Seong-Jin Cho presents
a Ravel marathon.
39 minutes ago
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