Panel to decide on lawsuit’s future
By Steven P. Wagner, The Forum
Published Thursday, December 14, 2006
Nearly 29 months ago, David Sherbrooke found himself arrested for drunken driving, strip-searched and locked up in jail.
Prosecutors dropped criminal charges stemming from the arrest, but Sherbrooke claims police violated his rights.
Now a federal appeals court must decide whether his lawsuit against Pelican Rapids, Minn., and its officers will go to trial.
The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered lawyers Monday to submit written arguments in the case by March 15. A panel then plans to hear oral arguments before deciding if Sherbrooke’s lawsuit can go forward.
At its core, Sherbrooke’s lawsuit claims officers didn’t have probable cause to make the July 25, 2004, stop or the right to record a private conversation with his attorney.
“Saying it and proving it is two different things,” said John Iverson, a Bloomington attorney for the city and officers. He claims immunity laws protect the city and allow police to do their jobs.
A Jan. 8 settlement conference, ordered by a Minnesota federal judge, likely will be canceled because the 8th Circuit agreed to hear an appeal on a ruling that keeps Sherbrooke’s claims intact.
Sherbrooke, 40, of Pelican Rapids wants damages in excess of $75,000.
Iverson claims U.S. District Judge Michael Davis erred in a Nov. 6 ruling that contradicts how Minnesota traffic stops have been done for years.
Davis’ ruling said police violated Sherbrooke’s right to privacy when officers recorded his call to an attorney. The judge said damages should be decided at trial but didn’t rule on whether police had cause to stop Sherbrooke, who was driving between bars on the night of his class reunion.
Davis also threw out other claims, including false arrest and malicious prosecution, against Pelican Rapids Police Chief Scott Fox and officers Scott Sachs and Ted Leabo.
“We will be seeking to get the last remaining claim reversed and be done with this case,” Iverson said. “You don’t have a constitutional right to drive a car when you’re intoxicated.”
But Sherbrooke’s attorney, Kyle Hart of Minneapolis, sees the appeal differently.
“It looks like the city is running scared,” said Hart, who added Sherbrooke rejected an offer to settle the case for $37,000 and attorney fees.
Iverson declined to comment on the offer.
Controversial stop
Sherbrooke and Sachs, the officer who stopped him, agree on few details from the night.
Prior to the stop, Sherbrooke said he pulled to the side of U.S. Highway 59 and turned on his pickup’s hazard lights while making a phone call. The policeman said he stopped Sherbrooke because the hazard lights were on while he drove the pickup.
Officers arrested Sherbrooke for failing three sobriety tests and finding a loaded Glock .40-caliber pistol inside the pickup. Sherbrooke has a permit to carry a concealed weapon but said he didn’t know it was loaded.
In his suit, Sherbrooke said video footage from inside Sachs’ car was erased. The city’s attorney argues it was accidentally erased while making a copy for the defense.
Fox referred questions Wednesday to the city’s attorneys. Leabo now works in the Otter Tail County Jail.
Sherbrooke also claims officers competed to see who could make the most drunken driving arrests.
In a deposition, Greg Ballard, the city’s former police chief, said Fox competed for drunken driving arrests when he was an officer for the department. Ballard said he told Fox not to talk about the contests over police radios.
Iverson said he’s confident the city and its police officers will be cleared.
“If we get this issue reversed, the case is over,” he said.
What if Pelican Rapids loses its appeal?
“Then we go try the case,” Iverson said.
Sherbrooke’s attorney said it’s unlikely the two sides will settle the case outside a courtroom.
“A case like this is a little more difficult because of the nature of the claims and how far apart everyone is,” Hart said.
Readers can reach Forum reporter Steven P. Wagner at (701) 241-554
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3 hours ago
Isn't making drunk driving arrests a good thing? Why can't we figure out that drinking and driving is BAD, it kills people? I get so tired of the good people of Pelican complaining about being targeted by the police. about them waiting for drunk drivers.I for one applaud them, I don't want my family or friends to be killed by a drunk driver. It is so hard to believe so many people still drink and drive, we see it all the time. Let's take responsibility for our actions and stop blaming everyone else, get a sober driver, plain and simple.
As for Mr. Sherbrooke, 'didn't know it was loaded' YIKES, that scares the hell out of me. And you should not of been driving drunk!
I hope to see Mr. Sherbrooke lose. He should take responsibility for his own actions sometime in his life. Maybe that will show that $$$ can't buy his way out of every mistake. Simply, he screwed up the most here, not the police.
As friend of Sherbrooke, I am suprised even a anonymous writer would say he hasn't ever taken responsilibity for actions in his life. I was wondering if this person is talking about the same person that I've known for years. If you are ever in need he is the first to help and is a person of conviction. Someone must have really done something wrong for him to take a stand like this. He takes responsibility for every action, maybe thats why he has the $$$ to take a stand like this.
The bottom line is that if he was drunk and driving then why is he even complaining. I guess the adult thing to do would be to take responsibility for his actions and say so. Instead he wants to bring all these other issues into play. There are only realy two questions. First, was he drunk? Second, was he driving? As for how good of a person he is, the law is supposed to be blind to that.
if he was drunk, why did they drop the charges,,,answer that
I really don't think that he being a nice guy has anything to do with this. The law is the law. He was driving AND he was drunk.
I am sure the he is just a wonderful, great friend. But he needs to take responsibility for his actions. I am so tired of the attitude a lot of people have today, that everything is someone elses fault. What are we teaching our children?
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I sure hope he doensn't win his case, and shame on him for trying.
What is the the poster of 5:45 talking about? I am sure he thinks we should know, but it makes NO sense.
the person asking about 5:45, read the paper, then you will understand. It is to bad we can't get david sherbrooke to commnet on this blog. that would be good to get it from the horses mouth, don't you agree
Let's back up here. What got him into this situation in the first place?
As for having Sherbrooke respond, I THINK HE OR HIS OPINION ALREADY HAVE...
I agree that driving while intoxicated is a serious issue. It is my understanding that the PRPD is very proactive at enforcing these issues. Good job!
However,one of my concerns is the traffic stop of Mr. Sherbrooke. He was stopped for having his hazzard lights on?
How many other documented cases does this officer have where the "reasonable suspicion" for stopping the vehicle is hazzard lights? I think we could all count numerous times when we have seen several vehicles hazzard lights on in a single day.
I don't know the answer but, I would be willing to bet not many stops have been made for hazzard light violations (probably not before 1:00 a.m. anyway). This information is public record perhaps this issue has already been addressed. If not, it should be. an absence of other stops could certainly indicate there was more to this stop than a mere concern for hazzard lights being on.
My main concern is that a goverment official not abuse his or her authority. No matter what public office they hold. We have all seen it from the top down.
Competing to arrest DUI offenders? I'm not sure what to think. Perhaps, that is what opened up this can of worms for the city of Pelican Rapids. I wonder how much this is costing the city's tax payers?
As far as Mr. Sherbrooke taking responsibility for his actions, it is quite obvious that he is. Had it been a person with little or no resources to stand up, none of these points would have been addressed.
Oh, and one other thing. I worked with Mr. Sherbrooke in the past. I know of no other man that works harder for what he has. Maybe before you talk about his money, Go and try keeping up with him for a week. If you can, I'll write you a matching paycheck for the week!
I'll leave you to ponder a quote:
" The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use. Of how to get men of power to live FOR the public rather that OFF the public".
Robert F. Kennedy 1964
Just to clarify a couple of things. First I was under the impression that Sherbrooke got something called a continuation to dismissal. Meaning that if he had no other alcohol offenses for a specific period of time his charges would be dismissed. I think this is what he AGREED to. His drivers license was still revoked and the offense is still on his record. How could this be you may ask? Because he was in violation of Minnesota's DUI laws.
Second point, was there a DUI contest? I don't believe that it's against the law to see how many criminals can be arrested. If two cops had a bet on how many meth dealers they could bust do you think anyone would complain? So, was there a contest? Who cares.
And by the way, driving with hazard lights on is a violation of law and any cop who looks the other way and not stop the vehicle to find out if there is an emergency, cite for the violation or just make him turn them off is not doing his or her job.
As far as Sherbrooke, he wanted his cake by say let me have my charges continued to dismissal and then wanted to eat it too by saying look they dismissed my charges, they must have done something wrong.
To the person at 12:31 that posted the comment that Mr. Sherbrooke would finally learn that he could not buy his way out of this one and they hoped he lost....Please don't teach your children NEVER to question authority. It is a sad time we live in when we must be open to the thought that NOT all people of authority might have the integrity that we once hoped they had.
Isn't life all about learning from your mistakes? Perhaps Mr. Sherbrooke has......Do you suppose the Wonderful, Upstanding, Unbiased, Always law abiding officers of the great city of Pelican Rapids have leaarned any lessons?!? (I say that with serious sarcasm).
Having grown up in the area until I was 18, and living out of state for approximately the last 13 years, it is sad to see what has come of the once 'prestigious town' of Pelican Rapids where you were PROUD to say that you were from. When recently looking to move back into the area, I was told by everyone to look elsewhere for a place to call home and to send my children to school. Because of many reasons.....maybe this whole fiasco with the police department is just another one to add to the 'LIST' of reasons why people move out and not back into PR.
I'm pretty sure that Mr. CHRISTensen doesn't have the scruples to post this because he is much like the rest of the media. You sit down to watch that episode on 60 minutes and figure YOU KNOW who did it because of the way things are portrayed and scewed. How about we let this one play out instead of trying to figure out who's innocent and who's guilty of doing what. God forbid Mr. Sherbrooke should be found to be the only person in the world to have ever driven after indulging in alcohol. I'm not promoting drinking and driving it is an awful thing that can ruin lives, but lets not let our civil liberties get taken away from us either.
To the one (3:31 PM) who made a comment about where to send their children to school....he/she need to look at what's going on inside the school and I think he/she would have a different view. Admittingly, take away the politics/admin/school board issues and you will still find a good school with quality instructors. Unfortunately, the mess that's going on administratively, largely overshadows the student learning and achievement that's going on. Some other schools in the area may appear rosey on outside, but aren't always as rosey on the inside. We have a higher-than-average post-graduation college rate in comparison to many area schools. Our kids seem to graduate with a good concept of respect for others. Yes, there may be issues here and there, but no school is perfect, believe me. I just hope there's some confidence that the school board issues will someday rectify themselves and the district can once again function like a well-oiled machine.
I'll tell you why it probably isn't a good idea to move back to PR. Negativity and pessimism. It's become contagiously plentiful in the last couple years. Your right, it's easy for someone to want to leave town, especially if your an optimist.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime. I do not condone it any more than I do murder. There is no excuse for an obviously intoxicated person to get behind the wheel of any vehicle. There are those out there who are definitely in violation of the law and are endangering the population. Those people posing threat to us by doing so need to be apprehended, but driving through Pelican Rapids after midnight on a Saturday night does not give probable cause to the local authorities to make a legal stop. I have worked nights for the last several years and have commuted through Pelican Rapids. I was stopped six times in less than one month between the hours of midnight and 2am. The local officer would first make up a reason for stopping me, then would hit me with "the question" immediately afterward, "How much have you had to drink tonight?" My response was every time the same, "Nothing, I'm not a drinker". After passing PBT test after PBT test, I never once was issued either a ticket for the claimed traffic violation or an apology for the harrassment I received. Usually the initial charge was speeding, but once the officer focused his attention on possibly issuing a DUI, he seemed to forget all about the original reason for pulling me over. Finally when he realized I was telling the truth, he seemed to be a little disappointed.
So I can understand Mr. Sherbrooke's concern for the safety of the community by bringing this lawsuit against the city of Pelican Rapids. I often question whether or not Pelican Rapids really needs a local police deptartment. The local fire dept. are well trained first responders and the response time of the Ottertail County Sheriffs Dept. is often times faster than the PRPD(Even right on main street in PR!). Ringdahl's ambulence service is right in town. What part in the community does the PRPD really play? Drug traffic in town is at an all time high(excuse the pun) as well as DUI arrests, but are there more people driving drunk than there were twenty years ago? And when was the last time any meth lab or other drug bust was made in this town?
Do you have not a clue? No police? What rock do you live under? The fire department and the ambulance service are trained for many different things. Do you think the local ambulance staff should respond to a fight at the bar? The fire department should walk into the domestic with the drunk guy waving a knife? I am not a fan of the chief or the city administrator but I been out from under my rock long enough to know we have to have a police department! Some of the police do next to nothing but put on the uniform and go to work. Some of them go to work and do their job the way it should be done. We're lucky we have three of them in our department.
sound's like we need to just set up Pelican Rapids as a permanent 'DUI' checkpoint and save the tax payers money if the other policemen aren't doing anything but DUI stops anyway.
Has it been made public WHY the charges were dropped? Perhaps the police dept were not as confident in their TAINTED EVIDENCE! Just asking.
I would like to respond to 9:09. You said that you understand Mr Sherbooke's concern for the safety of the community. What are you kidding me, he was driving drunk! He has no concern for the safety of the community. Why defend someone who is so obviously wrong.
To 8:32 and several others, if he was "driving drunk", then why were the charges dropped. Just out of the goodness of the PRPD. I think not.
To 8:49. To answer your question check out 3:22.
I believe the reason the charges were dropped is because they wanted it to just go away. That's the city's way of getting rid of their problems.
Allow David Sherbrooke to have his day in court before you pass judgement on him. The _Fergus Falls Daily Journal_ printed an article about this case last January. Here is the link:
One final comment: since posters are allowed to hide their identities behind the "anonymous" shield in this blog, consider revealing your identity when you feel you must criticize Jim. Fortunately, Jim hosts a blog that allows numerous community issues to be raised in public which never would have openly discussed in the past. [And no, I am not related to Jim!]
Merry Christmas to all!
I still believe that we live in one of the best communities around.
I am hopeful the new year will be more positive!
I would like to say thanks to Mr. christensen for having a site where people can tell their opinion and not get in trouble. Jim has his own opinion, stands by them, and takes much criticism and still stand by what he believes. For this I have much respect for him. Merry christmas jim and I hope we all have a great new year. Great country, where we can express our opinions. I would encourage people to be a little more positive on what situations mean to them and a little less vindictive. dave sherbrooke
I have know Dave Sherbrooke for nearly 10 years. I respect him for what he has accomplished. i love him for his devotion to his friends, among which I am proud to be counted.
Davids intensity has not only been the reason for his success but is also the reason he causes such controversy. David lives life to its fullest and because of this he is misunderstood by many.
If he had done wrong by being intoxicated and if the arresting officer had completed the arrest in a professional manner I feel confident that Dave would own up to his mistake.
However, by all accounts he was wrongly stopped, wrongly arrested, and given a sobriety test in an unlawful manner. Our constitution was written for this very purpose.......................potection from false arrest and protection from false (perjured) testimony.
It is my opinion that we all need to thank David Sherbrooke for standing up to a situation that was initiated by "rogue" individuals that were apparently placed above the law by themselves.
Dave has spent more money to prove his case then he will probably ever recover in his lawsuit. He is a man of principle and I for one applaude him.
I do not know this for sure but I feel confident that what little David might recover in monitary damages will be spent, not on himself, but to help in the community or to help someone less fortunate. That is the Dave Sherbrooke that I know.
I for one will stand tall and announce to anyone willing to listen that David is my friend. He has my respect.
He has been wronged and I feel we should all stand up for him because next time it may be one of us and God help us if this goes unchecked.
My name is Ed Johnson and I support Dave Sherbrooke.
I support Dave Sherbrooke
I don't think that anyone is saying he isn't a nice guy. BUT, he was driving under the influence.
Was he intocicated or was the test rigged.....that is the question. Everything else the PRPD is under scrutiny, why does anyone NOT question the validity of the sobriety test. Why was he made to take the test THREE times, they repeated the test until he tested positive. Then and only then, after he was made to drink warm water and told to exhale at an abnormal rate did he test positive. Would you stand still if your child was subjected to such illegal treatment. I wouold hope not.
I hope that this community wakes up to the fact that a DUI can alter a persons life forever. That is O.K. by me but only if the rules of law are tended by caring and law abiding officers or citizens. This is a matter of great concern for me and I hope for everyone out there. Anything short of this is anarchy.
I am deeply troubled by this chain of events and will watch how this case is handled very carefully. The outcome can and will affect all of us and our children for generations to come. To not voice your opinion only enables those that seem to want to harm anyone that crosses their path or does not come into the coral of their beliefs.
Wrongfully stopped? Wrongfully arrested? Unlawful sobriety testing? False arrest and perjured testimony? Lets put a little thought into this. The two officers involved in this arrest have over thirty years combined experience. Do you honestly think they would put they're careers on the line over a misdemeanor arrest, spend hours on writing reports, days off testifying in court just to get one more arrest. Sounds like you've been watching too many conspiracy theory movies.
to answer 7:12, no this is not what the police hoped to do. when you tell a little lie you have to tell a bigger lie to cover it up. It is an absolute fact, and i know this from credible people, that Sherbrooke was administered an unadmisible blood test.If he had been given the correct test it would have been well under the legal limit.
To 9:06, I have read the comments from 3:22 and still have the same question. Why were the drunk driving charges dropped? He did have a "Continuation to Dismissal" and the charges were dropped before it matured.Can anyone explain why.
The video tape of the arrest was altered. Why wasn't this investigated? Wasn't the tape locked in an evidence room? Who had it? Who had access to it that hated Sherbrooke enough to do something that stupid?
To answer 7:12 I would say yes, yes, yes ,yes,as for the conspiracy movies, no.
You don't have to spend hours and hours on reports if they are truthful the first time.
They get paid double time if they must testify on their days off.
As for putting their careers on the line, yes, they most certainly have done that. Why?
This case is a classic example of how our criminal justice system is lacking. David Sherbrooke WAS driving intoxicated...he WAS given an accurate and legal test...he WAS offered a subsequent test of his own choosing. He was treated exactly the same way any of the citizens of Otter Tail county could expect to be treated if they broke the law...he was detained, searched (NO, not strip-searched), processed and released when detoxed. But, because he has more money than the average person he is able to concoct stories, draw sympathy and file suits alleging mistreatment and violation of rights. If 90some% of the population can expect to be treated a certain way...why should the elite few expect to be treated differently?
he has so much money he gets famous experts to lie on his behalf?
It's amusing to me that someone who finds it believable that police officers would lie under oath or tamper with evidence...cannot imagine that an expert witnesses might possibly perjure themself for money.
it's amusing to me that someone who finds it believable that an expert would perjure themselves for money thinks that our police would have any problem lying under oath. Could it be that 4:30 is an officer, i think so.
You blogging bloggers can blog till your blue in the face. Dave had more money than you, he's gonna buy his way out of this......wwhaaa. Nothing but pure jealousy against someone who works his tail off for everything he has! No one seems to want to talk about ...WHY WERE THE CHARGES DROPPED.
If you do the crime, do the time. Let's ask Stadum Plumbing and Gravel in Erhard about Mr. Dave. I do think that justice will prevail. Mr. Dave doesn't have the money that O.J. has!
To 2:56, if he was treated just like every other citizen of Otter Tail County I would assume that would mean that everyone that has been picked since the beginning of time has had their civil rights violated. Also how would you have knowledge that he was not strip searched? It is hard to take a shower in your clothing.I have knowledge that he was strip searched. But what would i know i am only his older brother.
Some people still refuse to hear the truth. The charge was dropped as part of an agreement. It happens all the time, not just with Sherbrooke, he's nothing special. He still lost his license and still has an alcohol violation on his record because he was DUI. Same blogger asking the same question and refusing to hear the truth.
It appears the same handful of people can't let either side play out how they may. Let's see how this shakes out in court. Let's also quit the childish potshots at each other. I don't see much maturity in the majority of these posts. How old are we??? Enough is enough!
I was just curious. It appears to me that the blogger on December 28th at 7:07 AM is quite knowledgeable in reference to this case. Can you tell me how many previous stops for "hazzard lights violation" the arresting officer has made in the last year. Perhaps you can check on the computer at work? I am from out of town or, would check into this myself.It is public information so, you can walk right in and get it. I would think Ottertail County Dispatch center would keep these logs.
I am against drunk driving. I have experience on an ambulance in a busy community. However, I have and even bigger problem if a government official picks and chooses who and when he/she will stop a vehicle. After all, we have lost a lot of lives fighting to uphold Democracy, the Constitution, and the Bill of rights (In particular the 4th amendmant against illegal search and seizure).
I don't want to blow this out of proportion. David Sherbrooke is not the issue here to me. Keeping checks and balances on our government officials far out weighs that. Thank you for your time and courteous response.
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