The lead article in today's Pelican Press has to do with the PRPD. Kelley Gorman talked to both sides on the issue and attempted to write a fair article about their differences. We applaud his investigative spirit and sense of fairness. 56572 wants to give you the chance to voice your opinions. If you care to comment on the issue, you are welcome to. The moderator will do his best to keep the discussion on topic. Anonymous comments with malicious personal attacks will be a waste of your time. If you care to get your message across to the City Council in a public forum, here's your chance.
Remember Trooper Dave Bulik in the Press answering all our questions? He's been replaced by Trooper Andy. 56572 would like to start a service called "Ask the Chief" First question submitted today for Chief Fox was:
Thanks 56572 for taking my question. My question to the PRPD is "What about the carjacking and subsequent fire?" The carjacking was a hoax, wasn't it?
Canada, the Northern Outpost of Sanity
Justin Trudeau, in his final week as Prime Minister, tells Donald Trump to
shove it.
2 hours ago
The way I see it is . I think there are two sides to this story. I feel both sides are at fault. The chief for not dealing with issues and the staff for getting their backs up and bad mouthing the city to anyone that would listen.
Hopefully there has been a valuable lesson learned here and things will run better in the future.
Thanks Kelley for the fair, well written article.
Thank you Jim for allowing a question and answer forum for the PRPD. I will answer all questions within reason. Questions pertaining to an open investigation may not be answered fully. This is because doing so could compromise the investigation. Personal attacks directed at any officer in the PRPD or other departments will not be answered.
To the person asking about the recent carjacking. This is still an on going investigation. Anyone with information, no matter how small you may think it is, please call Investigator Jeff Stadum and talk to him. Until evidence is found that proves this is a hoax the PRPD is taking this incident very seriously.
Chief Scott Fox
As humans we all want to feel valued and respected. It has been one year and one month since the dissension began according to the article "On Law and Order". It is unfortunate because it did not have to happen like this. If the proper channels would have been followed in 2005 when dealing with a union contract pay discrepancy, we would not be reading this article, and two very fine officers would still be on the PRPD. It was out of frustration from not being heard or taken seriously that the other issues arose. It is the duty of every department from the lowest to the hightest rank to use fair and equal treatment, to go through appropriate channels to get formal changes approved, and to hear each other out. Hopefully this article will be a wake up call not to stick your head in the sand and hope issues will go away because sometimes like in this case, they fester and cause damage beyond what we ever would have imagined. The only saving grace in this whole issue is that as citizens of Pelican Rapids we can rest assured that even though they are going through internal strife they continue to do a fine job protecting our community.
Will you be addressing the statements and questions that were brought up in the press article? I would really like to hear YOUR side of the story, a coin with one side is rather worthless.
Another question i've thought about lately. I live out in utah now and all the Law Enforcement Officers drive SUV's or trucks(except the Highway Patrol(they drive brand new chargers.) Is there a reason why MN police departments don't do that as well? Would seem to me that the advantages would out weight the disadvantages. Just curious. Thank you for your time.
There has been a serious issue raised about the city's police Dept's Chief's integrity and accountability. I find it odd that on the same day the author of 56572 decided to open a forum to the chief. It looks to me that someone is trying to draw attention away from the topic at hand.
Let's face the facts, too much power breeds corruption. Clearly, this is the case with Don Solga and Scott Fox. The article written by Kelly shows that several officers trying to do the right thing and wiggle out from under the corrupt thumb of Chief Fox were then caught up in the strings of Fox's puppetmaster Don Solga. I think these officers deserve a big public thank you for having the guts to stand up for what is right and caring enough to get this city back on track.
It appears in the article in the Press and this blog, that if 50% of it were true, there are examples of ineffeciency and lack of leadership. There is either a problem with the hiring process for law enforcement, or a problem in leadership. My guess is leadership. If an adminitrator or department head cannot manage a handful of employees, you have current and future problems. Pelican Rapids needs to improve it's public image. As a new resident to the area, I've seen far too many examples of lack of professionalism. Why new residents open enroll out of the school district, why publish articles about the school district that admit they don't know what's going on, why a handful of people are against anything which shows community growth like a community center, why the attempted overthrow of Lake Region Electric, why can't new businesses make a profit in Pelican Rapids? The mistake made is thinking that your "local" folks will keep you alive and flurishing.
If a community cannot trust it's leaders and police to be competent and professional, you will NOT see in town growth.
Clean up your act leaders. The old money of Pelican Rapids will no longer support the town. And you don't seem to realize your image is fading and you're bragging about it.
Brandon, to answer your first question, getting into a sparing match in the press doesn't accomplish anything and only makes things worse. I was interviewed for the article and I have said all I'm going to say.
As far as MN police driving SUV's. There are many Sheriff's Offices and some local PD's that have started using SUV's in MN. They are top heavy and don't respond well at high speeds, get poor gas mileage, cost more to purchase, have limited space for transporting prisoners and are more expensive to maintain. Also the need for 4X4 is limited to the winter months. Because of this many PD's would rather purchase sedans.
Chief Scott Fox
To ask a Chief: My friend's son was told by a bully on the bus that he had a gun and was coming to his house tonight to kill him. I called the police and the sargeant on duty said he'd pass it on to the investigator. This was on Wednesday, the investigator didn't have to work until Friday. Thankfully her son is still alive. Shouldn't that sargeant have at least done something? Shouldn't this have been handled differently?
It's interesting to see how many people are more than willing to get up on the soapbox and voice a scathing opinion on all the things that are "wrong" about the other citizens of PR but aren't willing to sign their names. Of all the comments so far only Julie Sachs, Brandon Stage and Chief Fox have signed their name.
Pelican Rapids will be lucky if they don't end up with another lawsuit on their hands! Can you say "hostile work environment" ?Not to mention changing officers contracts - I do think if they wanted overtime backpay, they are entitled.
At what managerial course did the chief learn the "give em the silent treatment" maybe the problem will go away technique ?
To the person concerned about the bully with an alleged gun. Because all parties involved are juveniles I can't release much of the information. I can tell you that what has been rumored to have happend as far as how the sergeant handled this incident, and what really happened are totally different.
Chief Scott Fox
I deffinatly wasn't looking for a sparing match in the press. I hoping for a response on the56572 blog. I was hoping(how foolish) that the blog would provide an easier and less biased forum than the press. I would like to see facts. Not opinions.
To the Anonymous people. Come on people, don't be scared, stand up for what you belive. Don't hide behind your keyboard. Are you ashamed of your opinions? Are you scared of being hunted down by the Chief? If you think something is wrong, say something, let it be known. For all you know, lots of other people could feel the same way, they're just waiting for someone they know to get the balls to stand up and say something.
I do think that in this instance "ask the chief" people should sign their names. It just seems like the right thing to do.
Thanks to Chief Fox for being willing to answer the publics questions, he is trying that is what is important.
Keep up the good work PRPD, I have had nothing but positive experiences with you! Thanks to all you do.
Signed, Nanette Albright
Brandon its easy to have the balls to sign your name when yours are in Utah!
Are our tax dollars paying for the chief to sit around reading and answering questions on the blog or does he have a day off today?
When a new officer or a part-time officer is hired by the city of Pelican. I would like to see some kind of annoucement/pictures of these new officers in our local paper. Sometimes I wonder how many officers we need in this small town.
Ask and you shall recieve. Kelly has already written the story and taken their pictures. The into you request will be in the paper next week.
Chief Scott Fox
FRom reading the article in the paper it does seem a real shame the way things were handled. In regards to the contract dispute. Here we have law enforcement officers that handled a contract issue so utterly unbeliveably wrong. I have to believe from reading the article that some shunning took place at some level. Which was incorrect. The contract issue should have been handled very openly in a meeting with all officers and handled approitaely from a legal manner from that point on. I am surprised that all of this hadn't blown up long before now. I want to make another comment also. It would seem to me when compared to other communities of similiar size we are way heavy on the number of police officers we have on staff. What is the justification for this? Another issue, it was stated in the paper that officers were discplined for not taking every person seen walking while intoxicated to the detox center. I find this very disturbing. While in some instances I believe taking them there may be the best route. But we are a small town and some descrection on the officers part should exist. I don't believe someone that drank too much and is walking home on his firat time should be hauled to detox. Now if its every week thats different. Or perhaps small town politeness is simply dead here? I have heard many other people state they do everything they can to avoid coming into Pelican Rapids because they feel they are harrased by the police if they do. Some were snowmobilers others were car people and some were just shoppers. It was not just one or two people. It's something I know has been discussed at a number of different meetings but never really addressed. Simply stated while policing our community is important, at the same time the force can become too zealous in doing so and that balance needs to be found and kept. Having contests to see who arrests the most DUI is a big sign of over zealousness! At the same time let me state one more time that I do not approve of drunk drivers either. But it wasn't that long agao the paper reported a story about the police targeting a local drinking establishment patrons.
Its funny because just the other night a discussion was had of people not wanting to bring up an issue out of fear of angering another or hurting another person's feelings. This menality has existed in Pelican For far too long. While saying things solely to hurt someone is not right either people should not be so afraid of speaking thier mind. Without people speaking up things will only get worse. It takes everyone speaking up and respecting what others have said. You do not always have to agree, but hear what is said, see if they have a point and consider it. If you still disagree then agree to disagree and no retailation or hard feelings should exist. Its what our leaders in this community should be developing and encouraging.
Snubbing to avoid conflict? Sounds like and elementary school playground.
The citizens of Pelican Rapids deserve better.
Time for a change, perhaps?
I feel that it is time that I dispel some of the rumors concerning my leaving the Pelican Rapids Police Department. First of all I was not fired or suspended. I made a choice and that choice was that I could no longer work for Chief of Police Scott Fox. My decision to resign my position was a difficult one, however I refuse to work for a supervisor whose integrity continues to come into question. In closing, I would like to say serving the citizens of Pelican Rapids was definitely the high point of my 17 years in law enforcement. It was both an honor and a privilege to have been able to serve you and I thank you for your support.
What we should never forget is that people like Scott Fox and Don Solga are public servants, and as such are accountable to the people of PR. No person should be able to operate without impunity regardlees of their positions. Corruption, coverups, deceit and lies. These are not the things that good public servants are made of. Time for a change!
There have been many questions about how many how many police officers work in Pelican Rapids. There is the Chief who only works days monday through thursday. The Sargeant, who only works days. One full time officer who only works nights. One full time officer who works days in the school and nights on the weekends. The three part time officers work as needed to fill in. The two new officers are still in training. My husband and other officers asked many times why there had to be three on the day shift. Why couldn't one of the day shift officers work at night. Chief Fox replied with "Because I'm the Chief that's why and I'm not making the Sargeant work nights". In most departments their is a day shift and a night shift supervisor. It seems like a waste of man power and tax payers dollars to have two working together all week when the resource officer is available for call outs if the need arose. You are more likely to have a dangerous call in town during the night. Think about your Chief when you get a call to a domestic with guns and the closest Otter Tail County officer that can help is twenty minutes away.
They'll be back in a week, just like they are every other month, sometimes more kid. Which is why I care about these issues. I fail to see what spending 3/4 my time in Utah has to do with this however. If you wanna take this discussion up in private, so we don't hijack this post,
Thank you Ted. Thank you for your service to this great country of ours during your military service. Your dedication and desire to serve your fellow man shone through as you continued to serve the people of Pelican Rapids as a member of It's police department. The circumstances of your leaving the PRPD are sad. You made many friends amongst the city residents and the police department. I am honored to be one that can call you "friend".
Many people do not sign there names to their posts, I don't blame them. Man has the ultimate power and they have the ability to retaliate and create new problems if they choose.
A man is beating a dog. The dog is helpless because man has the ultimate power. The man is not worried because he has beaten many dogs he disliked in the past. No one will listen to the dog complain. Let's face it, he's a dog, not a man. The dog decides to take a stand and bites the man badly.
Although people think its unforunate the man got bit. Think of the ignorance of the city council that will blame the dog.
Pelican Rapids City Council please do what you are voted in to do.
Dear Mr Leabo:
I have a few questions that need anwsering. the first one is why did you feel it necessary to follow my friend home everynight when you were on duty. I witnessed it 3 times and it was disturbing. Also why did you feel it necessary to take verbal acts on this person.. Im not going to say names because i have a feeling that you would take it upon yourseld to "seek" this person out again, like many times before. So in closing if you have a beef with someone dont use your so called "authority" to scare them..
scott fox
why were the charges against david sherbrooke dropped
I have read the article in the Pelican Press and this blog. I feel compelled to comment.
I read anonymous’ comment and I will sign my name at the end of this.
Anonymous said “power breeds corruption”, referring to Don Solga and Scott Fox. Really? Solga and Fox are accountable to the mayor and the city council so they are not the ultimate power indicated by anonymous. It appears to me anonymous does not care for police if he thinks Pelican Rapids employs too many police officers. I suggest he study Department of Justice figures and recommendations.
He further states “we are a small town and discretion on the officer’s part should exist”. He said this in reference to taking individuals who drank to much home. This came from the Pelican Press article referring to a reprimand for taking intoxicated individuals to their next destination rather than to detox. No one seemed to mention the next destination was a drinking establishment. An officer taking already intoxicated individuals and dropping them off at another drinking establishment is most definitely wrong. It opens the city up to a law suit should the intoxicated persons had been injured for any reason. They should have been taken to detox. A reprimand was the least that should have been done by the police administration. Further Mr. Leabo called a document of employee conversation an unofficial reprimand. Supervisors do keep records of employee conduct both good and bad. Without documentation it would be tough to either promote or discipline an employee.
On the issue of union contracts and the setting of shift hours. I know of no union that can set the shift schedule for any organization. They can and will protect their members from wrong doing but it is the administration’s job to set the shift schedule. This is done with preference to full time employees over part time employees. Mr. Leabo is a veteran, being one myself; I understand his feeling about the fallen soldier situation. However, he was also a part time police officer and the obligation of that position had to come first in this situation. The officer he referred to and eluded to working more hours than he was a full time officer. I know of no union that would support a part time employee over a full time employee. I would submit that if Mr. Leabo would not have challenged the Chief in front of other officers he would not have suffered embarrassment in front of those same officers.
Officer Sachs of the department said in the Pelican Press he had “some issues about how Leabo and Markgraf were treated.” He also said “he counts both officers close personal friends.” I believe it to be more than that. Being a brother – in – law to one of the officers may give him a vested interest in the situation.
All too often we law enforcement officers sit back in silence when the mud is being thrown our way. Well, I am sorry I can not sit this one out. I know some of all of these officers. I have known Scott Fox since he first started in law enforcement. I can honestly say the City of Pelican Rapids could find no finer man to be their Chief of Police.
Al Frank 35 years of law enforcement.
After reading Kelley Gorman's article in the Pelican Press, I believe Ted Leabo. I think he was treated shamefully.
A lot of immature actions by our Police Chief.
Apparently, a lot of people agree.
Ok, not sure if you will publish this or not.. Ted Leabo was not an asset to our Police Dept. he was an arrogant man. He is a great example of someone given a little authority and it goes to thier head. He pulled people over constantly for minor stuff.. I just can't take all these posts praising him... someone has to say it.
Keep up the good work Cheif Fox. ( I would of ignored him too)
I would like to take this oppurtunity to respond to Mr Franks comments. First of all, the union contract for the PRPD states that any hours worked over 10 hours in a shift will be compensated at a rate equal to 1 1/2 time that officers base pay rate. This is contractual language and should not be subject to change accept during contract negotiations.
To address this issue of giving three people a ride to another establishment. These people were not obviouly intoxicated, they were not staggering out into traffic or in any way placing themselves or anyone else in danger. They were simply walking 1 mile out of town, late at night, wearing dark clothing along a busy highway. Using discretion, I decided that the safest course of action at the time was to give them a ride. If we took every person to DETOX who had been drinking and had the good sense to walk instead of drive we would get little else done.
I believe that on the issue of working the funral detail you are under the impression that I was attempting to work instead of another officer. This was not the case. I simply wanted to volunteer my time and participate. Also, I never confronted the chief in a room full of people, however after I had left the chief took that oppurtunity to make negative comments about my being there to other officers.
Mr Frank, I thank you for your comments and for allowing me to clarify those points.
Ted Leabo
I would like to challenge everyone to say something positve before they enter into negative territory. If you are unable to do this , it reflects alot on your state of mind.
Lest I forget.....we have alot of blessings to count in our community may they be God given or man-made. Lets not tear it apart and de-grade our community especially at this time of the year when we are about to celebrate the most important Christian Holiday of the year.
Problems can be found everywhere. With a positive attitude, problems can be worked out peacefully and solved much quicker.
Think about the issues in Iraq. Be thankful most of us are here. We should be working together to solve our issues peacefully!
The Police Department protects one of the most valuable aspects of our country... peace and freedom.
If the entire Police Department would walk off the job, how long would it be before ......
What would happen?
How would it change your life?
Police can't walk off the job.
To ask a chief: Is it normally your way to get rid of a problem by ignoring it and hoping it'll go away as posted on the other blog? How do you normally handle situations like this? I'd like an honest answer.
if they are doing a bad job, why would it matter if they walked off the job?
Who cares if they walked or or got fired.. it doesnt matter now. we need to move on and look forward to our new officers who will do a great job.. lets not dwell on something that no one can control.
Fortunately someone can control our police departments Chief. It's the administrator and city council. The question is will they have the courage to do anything about it? So far it appears they do not.
If you are so upset with the chief, Why dont you go talk to him? That is what any normal person would do and you can get all your answers from there.
Chief Fox, Scott Wellnitz, and Officer Jeff Stadum did not get where they are by ignorance. They achieved their position by hard work and dedication. I would hope that this crap doesn't make any of them consider another career.
Chief Fox taught me to stay away from drugs in elementary school. He pulled me aside for being stupid in High School. Now, I'm glad he's there to protect my children.
Good job guys!!!
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