The City Council of Pelican Rapids met in special session at 11:00 a.m., Friday, 12-29-06, in Council Chambers, City Hall. Mayor Wayne Runningen, Council Members John E. Waller, III, David Gottenborg and Richard Peterson were present. Council Member Ben Woessner was absent. Administrator Don Solga, Clerk-Treasurer Glenys Ehlert, Fire Chief Trevor Steeves, Ross Wamre and Paul King of Moore Engineering and Kelley Gorman of the Pelican Rapids Press were also present.
Mayor Runningen called the special meeting to order.
Administrator Don Solga reported that the soil borings were completed on the John Larsen property. Solga said there was some surface contamination on the proposed fire hall site and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency recommended that the City have a plan to mitigate the contamination prior to site work beginning. Removal of the surface dirt in the area tested and replacement with clean fill will solve present problem.
Fire Chief Trevor Steeves reported that the arson investigation on the Pelican Dollar Store is complete per John Steinbock. Trevor said Ron Dick of Design 7, engineers for the fire hall, said that reversing the plan layout would fit the property and is feasible. If there is not sufficient property for drainage behind the fire hall, then Engineer Ron Dick recommends an ice melt system be installed. The engineer also said the building could be lowered one foot. This would mean less fill. A swale would direct water to the storm drain system.
Land donated by John and Joan Larson to the City of Pelican Rapids is described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Blyberg’s First Addition to the City of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record with the Otter Tail County Recorder.
Mayor Runningen said the Council’s decision today is to consider whether to accept the property from John and Joan Larsen.
Motion by Gottenborg, seconded by Waller to accept the gift of land, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Blyberg’s First Addition to the City of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record with the Otter Tail County Recorder, from John and Joan Larsen. Mayor Runningen, Council Members Gottenborg, Waller and Peterson voted yes. No one voted against the motion. Motion passed with a four-fifths majority.
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1 hour ago
1 comment:
The donation of the super value propery is no gift. accepting it is a direct taxpayer subsidy to John Larson of several tens of thousands of dollars. Larson are responsible for the clean up and demo of a burned out building(public nuisance). The true value of the property is the value of the lot after cleanup, minus cleanup cost. people in PR are cynical for a reason and calling this a gift and thanking him for it is one reason why.
thank you
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