Wednesday, February 2, 2005

six more months of winter with frequent blizzards

Hot off the Press ("Hi Yo Silver!")
Lead: City Council talking about building more airport hangars.
Lead Photo: some Northerns caught at the Derby
Front: Bill J. kudos for mentoring student teachers
Front PRPD: Somebody tried to break into AMPI. Quiet week
Skating rink closes due to heat wave.
Page 3: $456k City Garage nearing completion. Lake Country State Bank plans expansion.
Ice artist Phil Cowie creates ice monsters and igloos off Maple Beach.
Editorial: City Comp Plan objectives solid
Tom's Tidbits: Who played the Lone Ranger? (Clayton Moore)
Book review by Andrienne Davis
PRHS Valkyries dual winner in weekend danceline competition at St.Bens. Varsity Boys BB 13-1, Girls 11-8, B Squad Boys BB 14-0.

for a subscription to The Press contact (not available online) Only US$27 a year planetwide. Now only $1 on newsstands. Please tell them 56572 sent you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? No mention of the Pelican Press single copy rate hike to $1.00? That was the top story of the day at BP.