There was a sample ballot for the November 7th election in yesterday's Press. It is a long ballot. One of the more confusing issues to decide is the proposed constitutional amendment regarding state transportation funding. Whether or not the question will even appear on the ballot is still in doubt. Education Minnesota is lobbying against the amendment. The Star Tribune has an article about the issue this morning.
We all know the condition of state highways around 56572. Think about how much has been spent on Hwy 108 West and Hwy 34 this spring and fall. Don't be confused when it's time to vote. If you find articles that enlighten us either way, share the links by posting them with a comment or just go ahead and tell us how you are going to vote and why. This should be a non-partisan issue.
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1 hour ago
1 comment: Here is a link that give information about why voting yes. Both sites that are for yes and no give some great arguments. But it still in the end comes down to the indivdual. Our vote matters either way. Isn't it great that we get to have a say. :-)
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