Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Care to announce your re-opening date on 56572?


Anonymous said...

Best of luck Doris! Knock em' dead! You have the perfect window of oppurtunity to really make a go of it! Just clean the place up and serve great food! You already have the best waitress' in town!

Anonymous said...

Doris, please make it smoke free. I think you would have more people willing to come in.

Anonymous said...

If Doris is a 56572 reader please listen to the smoke free advice! It is 2006... time to go smoke free!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Would be nice to see a makeover on

the inside.

Definitely Smoke Free

Keep the "old fashion Home Made

Pies and good home cooked meals!

Anonymous said...

Any news on the re-opening? No comments from Doris? We are anxiously awaiting.

Anonymous said...

The food is great but the smoky atmosphere has turned me away in the past; therefor, I would suggest SMOKE FREE also! Then it would be a GREAT place to dine.

Anonymous said...

The food is great, but the smoky atmosphere has turned me away from eating there in the past; therefore, I suggest it be a SMOKE FREE restaurant. Then it would be a wonderful place to dine.