At the south end of 56572 there is a lake. I've never heard what the lake is called. These days there are about five hundred Canada Geese camped out on the lake. When one walks along Lake Region Electrical's Native Prairie hiking path, the geese are forced off the ice into the water. They protest loudly. At the east end of the lake is an impressive beaver house, all within site of the water tower. It's too bad the decoy at the end of the dock doesn't work better.
Return to Oz: A 2025 Oscars-Night Diary
The night involved a pair of split pants, a minor earthquake, and a major
lovefest for “Anora.”
2 hours ago
The name of the beautiful lake we live on is "Lyden Lake" ..
Nanette Albright
How about Miller pond?
I don't know.. I like the sound of "Albright Pond" :)
guess who???
p.s. the official name is "Lyden Lake"
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