Friday, December 1, 2006

Pastoral Pelican Rapids (11) Heading home to Fergus

The hundreds of refugees from Fergus Falls who have been camped out on Weaklend Lake on the far south side of 56572 are about camped out. This noon all are faced south towards Fergus, except for a few late arrivals from Halbakken's cornfields. All are seated, except those in the liquid center of the refugee camp who, one would think, would be swimming to beat the band to keep the hole open, yet even the inner circle is quiet, as though all were in prayer. ATC, clear the airspace over the Southern Pelican River Valley. Fergus, be forewarned.


Austen said...

Weakland Lake? It will always be Lake Miller to me Jim. Nice shots of the Geese though.

Anonymous said...

Weakland lake? I don't think so :)