Word on the street this afternoon is that 56572 Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jane Aschnewitz was told today that her services are no longer needed. Budget concerns were mentioned.
Chamber Jane served 56572 with heart and soul. The older one gets and the more perspective one enjoys, the more one feels the waves of change in society. People used to care-people used to give way more than they got-people didn't have much money so they gave their time instead-people used to be friendly, welcoming, personable. Chamber Jane was old school when it came to such things. She had time and plenty of it for anybody anytime. Her bobber would not sink. From the tiny log cabin on the corner to Historic City Hall. The only way to get The Energizer Bunny to stop banging the drum for 56572 was to pull her batteries. It's a sad day for 56572.
Perhaps answers can be given to Chamber members on Tuesday night at the 6:00 p.m. meeting at the VFW. Nothing had been told members previously. Now without a Director and a Secretary-Treasurer and apparently short on revenue, the Board of Directors must have some vision of the way forward?
Let's hear it from those of you who appreciated Chamber Jane's untiring efforts on behalf of 56572. We need to come up with some sort of retirement gift.
Canada, the Northern Outpost of Sanity
Justin Trudeau, in his final week as Prime Minister, tells Donald Trump to
shove it.
2 hours ago
Let us all hope that the lights have not gone out for Chamber Jane and the Pelican Rapids Chamber of Commerce. Chamber Jane is what the Chamber of Commerce should be about--she has time and energy that most of us only dream about! Rethink what has happen to the best Cheerleader that Pelican Rapids has had in a long time. She has given her heart and soul to her job...can something be worked out??? Signed me very concerned
If its a budget concern and the Chamber can't afford to keep Jane on board, maybe the City should hire her. The old City Hall still belongs to the city doesn't it? The Chamber can go do their thing and the City can keep Jane working for us downtown!
If it is true that Jane is leaving the Pelican Rapids Chamber of Commerce it marks the end of a truly significant period in the life of our Chamber.
Prior to her coming we had an excellent reputation as a volunteer operated Chamber but no match for our neighboring Chambers with professional staff and actual functioning visitor centers. Jane's tenure with us transformed us into the big leagues with a regional presence and a first class visitor's Center.
Her reputation in the state tourism field has served us well and her management of our visitor's Center led to it being selected for and designated as an official Minnesota Tourist Information Center. The designation included significant signage on the Interstate and federal highways.
She gave us a presence at regional travel shows in a six state area. For years she paid her own expenses to these shows until the Chamber board insisted she accept reimbursement for her time, mileage and lodging.
This is just one example of her dedication to the well being of Pelican Rapids area businesses. She managed a team of volunteers that made our visitor's center a seven day a week example of Pelican Rapids hospitality. No matter whether the inquiry came from a walk-in, on the phone or over the internet those interested in our area received a prompt and competent response and referral for solving their need or interest.
The hours she spent on our behalf always exceeded by far the pay she received for her efforts. I second the suggestion of a retirement gift but also suggest a community retirement dinner in her honor.
Joe and Nancy Hilber
Small business owners
(Chamber member for 14 years)
I agree with the above comment. Very well put. I am just sick with this news!!
It is a sad day for Pelican and the Chamber! I am a Chamber member this year,
next year...??? I think this process was very tacky! I am very disappointed.
Does anyone else have the vision of empty saloons, doors squeeking and blowing in the wind; tumbleweeds blowing down the street? When did anyone in Pelican sign the "do not resuscitate"? "Chamber Jane" is one (of a very few) that shows enthusiasm for even the most miniscule spark of life in P.R. Who, now, will initiate the C.P.R.?
I think we can improve the financial situation of the Chamber by all becoming dues paying members of the Chamber if we are a business in Pelican Rapids and the surrounding community.
If you are not a business owner, but still a concerned resident you can become an associate member.
Dues are the Chambers main source of income that pays the expenses as well as a few CHAMBER FUNCTIONS that act as fund raisers to add to this income. You are also needed to become active in volunteering as a worker to keep these activities going or they will die also.
Jane was a great PR person for Pelican Rapids, but if the money isn't there we have only ourselves to blame.
I don't live there and so can't vouch for the day to day, sounds like she worked hard, that just wasn't my experience. I requested information on resorts etc in the area in April almost three years ago, still haven't received any info and ended up on line trying to figure it out for myself so if you belong to the chamber and own a resort and have had openings, you may have missed out on some business. Again, I'm not trying to throw rocks as it seems like the rest of the comments have been all positive, but that was my only experience and therefore my first impression. Ever wonder if there were others who didn't receive information which might have brought more folks and therefore an economic impact to this area? Just my observation not a condemnation.
Pelican is struggling and I think it is time for a change. We need a strong, desisive person who can make things happen. Yes, Jane is a nice person, no one is disputing that, but organization and efficiency are not her strong points. I am quite sure that the person who did not get the info requested was by far not the only incident!
"The times they are a changin'"
HELLO!! Jane was more bang for the buck then you will ever see again! The constant effort and true enthusiasm for the town will never be seen again and all this for pennies compared to the business and tourism she brought to town. All you can say is she is a nice person? Did you ever think to ask the members who you represent what they thought??????????????????? I’m sorry but I believe the Board Members should be the ones resigning there positions!
No one is saying that Jane wasn't a fantastic cheerleader for the Pelican Rapids business community. She was. But the Chamber members, as business owners, should understand that if there is no money, expenses need to be cut. For those at the Chamber meeting last Tuesday, we saw that the current checkbook balance is negative. Also, a loan had to be taken out at the end of the fiscal year (September) to pay her salary!! When a business, non-profit or for profit, has a checkbook balance in the negative, cutting expenses is the first thing that needs to be done. When in the business world, some decisions are very tough. I'm sure this was a tough decision for the board, but from my view it was a very necessary one.
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