Sunday, November 19, 2006

Once we get 56572 smoke-free, next we take down the traffic signs

Controlled chaos

European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs, By Matthias Schulz

Are streets without traffic signs conceivable? Seven cities and regions in Europe are giving it a try -- with good results.

All drivers in this Global Village know that among our many challenges, driving in global traffic has to be close to the top of the list. Not that we have lots of traffic, just varied driving styles. I have been places in the world where, even if there were traffic signs, they were only obeyed when there was a police officer standing nearby. If you got stopped or whistled over, a small bribe would take care of the matter. We need to quit arguing, quell the road rage and just let things flow. When nobody feels safe, all will feel safer. Perhaps we could do with one less patrol car? I suppose the State has jurisdiction on Broadway, East Mill and 1st Ave NW. If we took down their signs, would they put them back up? I can see it now. Instead of a two stop light town, we become Minnesota's first two roundabout town.
In traffic, unsafe is safe. Let's try it.


Anonymous said...

I got used to roundabouts when I visited England some years ago and they are a lot safer, faster and less frustrating than 4 way stops or stop lights.

Anonymous said...

While stationed in Spain, for Sat AM entertainment, we would pick a roundabout and watched the ensuing fisticuffs resulting between a drivers who had the right-of-way and a drivers who took the right-of-way out of turn. Turned into real traffic stoppers.